
Thursday 15 December 2011


Good Evening Ladies,

Whilst surfing Etsy a month or so ago, I came across Glitrix.
Lynn's shop sells a few bits and bobs including franken polish called Glix. They are all glittery creations and come in star shaped 5mL bottles. She also sells empty star bottles (and I snapped some up because they were so cute & she doesn't charge shipping!).

I got myself 2 purple glitter polishes called Royal Chic & Royal Flush - don't have pics of them yet - and darling that she is, Lynn threw in a freebie called Gold Rush.

Gold Rush over Miki mint shimmer - lamp

Gold Rush over Miki mint shimmer - lamp

Gold Rush bottle shot - I didn't shake it up so it's much glitterier IRL

Gold Rush is a golden glitter top coat. It contains gold shimmer, small gold hex and large gold holo hex glitters. I just did a quickie swatch on the thumb only to try it out but when I post the other two polishes I'll have a full mani with this one too. I layered it over an unnamed Miki mini mint shimmer lacquer. I think they look nice together but I'd like to see it over white and gold. It might even look quite cool over a purple or something.

This does need a really good shake up because the glitter sinks to the bottom, but besides that the formula and brush are really decent. I believe I used 2 coats of Gold Rush for the photos above. I'm really happy with this, especially since it's a freebie!!!

Lynn has a couple of new creme based glitter polishes in the shop now too and they look quite dreamy!

Hope you're a fan of Gold Rush too! Click *here* to be check out Glixtrix


  1. Such a cute bottle! I think more polish should be in cute bottles!

  2. The colors is beautiful! And oh my god I have to have the super
    Cute star bottles! I'm in love cutest bottles I've seen in my life!


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