
Saturday 5 November 2011

Butter London - Victoriana & No More Waity Katie

Evening Ladies,

These are pretty much the only Butter London polishes that I desperately wanted, considering the $30 price tag. For 10mL that is exorbitant/prohibitive. It's a good thing I love them, isn't it?!





No More Waity Katie has been swatched so many times that I'm sure most of you are bored to death of it, sorry. I just love it though. A sheer, smoky purple/grey base with lavender glitter that doesn't sparkle. I love non-sparkly glitter polishes - odd I know. It just makes them so much more wearable/sophisticated.
Application wise NMWK can be a little tricky. But I found the key to applying it (without adding thinner) is in thick coats so it spreads more evenly. I used 3 coats but a little part of me thinks I could get it down to 2! The photos are without top coat. In the pics it looks patchy but in real life it looks awesome, no one can tell. Please excuse the tip wear I'd been wearing it for day and was using my hands a lot.




Victoriana is a slightly dusky or muted shade of blue-green. Very hard to pin down! It has that same silver particle shimmer as Orly Nite Owl so I immediately fell in love. The application was flawless, sort of on the runny side without being thin so it spreads perfectly. Two coats = perfection. I didn't clean up my cuticles cos the sun was starting to fade :)

What do think? Do you have either of these shades? Do you want them?



  1. Oooooh. So jealous! Where did you get Victoriana? I've been pestering my local Farmers for ages but to no avail. I managed to get NMWK, which I adore and wore for the Royal Wedding (yeah, I know, sad!)

  2. Not sad, AWESOME! I got Vic at Red Current :)


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