
Friday 14 October 2011

Rugby World Cup Supporters Nail Art: Wallabies

I absolutely loathe to put this up (even more than I hated to decorate my nails in Australian insignia), but in the spirit of fairness I felt like I kind of had too. Plus I was already wearing the right colour so...


 So I just added some yellow polish to yesterday's challenge nail in China Glaze Holly Day. I used my sunshine sunny side up Maybelline mini Colorama in Urban Lemon.
More or less I made a mess! Oh to have acrylic paints and a detail brush! So I just took the stars off the Australian flag for my middle finger & for the ring finger I tried to freehand the wallaby from the Wallabies' official logo.
I can't believe the stars were the failure of this! I tried using a dotting tool because I thought it'd be quicker than using the brush, but it just mangled them!!!
It might not look like it up close, but the wallaby was actually pretty good from afar (especially for a 1st attempt!). That big glob is meant to be the football in its hand, but I didn't paint the laces on and I couldn't make it the right shape so it just looks like a smudge!
The rest of my fingers I just french tipped - and not well haha.

The excuse I'm going to use for this being a piss poor effort is, that I NEVER support Australian sport - like all good New Zealanders. They just don't need the help, they beat us in almost everything. I will be cheering for the All Blacks come Sunday so I'll do my best to have an awesome looking mani for them!

Who will you be supporting this weekend?


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