
Monday 10 October 2011

31 Day Challenge: Day 1 - RED

Let the challenge begin!

Sooki just arrived in the post last week. I'm a huge True Blood fan (well I was until this season - now I'm a bit angry with HBO). So, after season 1 I got all the books in the Southern Vampire series and I have reread them all many, many times - I'm back on book 7 right now, haha.

So, the point is that once I saw that Sooki (the perfect true red creme) was part of the Zoya Summertime collection, I had to have it!!!



In the sunlight pics my camera decided to make Sooki look really coral like - it's not. It's a true red (not overtly blue or orange toned, fairly neutral), very classic looking.

I wanted to add some stamping a la LTHP but I made many attempts and I just couldn't get it to take - maybe I had too much hand cream on them? Anyway I used 2 coats here and in some lights you can see a bit of VNL (why do red cremes always have that issue?!) but I think if I'd used ridge filler as a base coat it'd have been opaque.

If you don't already have a classic true red get Sooki now -she'll "want a do bad things to you!"


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