
Friday 30 September 2011

NOTD: Nubar Night Sparkle

We had the best weather today!

It was so sunny that I felt like I was getting burned through the window! And there was a beautiful breeze so I didn't sweat buckets when I was outside!!! Always a bonus mmmmmmm...

I've been coveting Night Sparkle for a while now - possibly since March? That makes it 6 months... I suppose that's a while?

Two coats, indoors

Two coats, outdoors

Night Sparkle is such a gorgeous navy/royal blue base just packed with small pieces of blue glitter that shines aqua when it hits the light. This is part of the Nubar Sparkles Collection. It has a pretty dense formula so two coats is enough for coverage - maybe 3 if you do thin layers. It does dry ultra gritty & matte though, so if you like a shiny manicure pop on some top coat - like I did, below.

Two coats of NS with two coats of SV, sunlight

Two coats of NS with two coats of SV, sunlight

Two coats of NS with two coats of SV, indoors

 It definitely eats top coat, so I put on 2 layers of Seche Vite Quick Dry. I have some tip wear because I'm a fiddler - always scratching or picking at something = more tip wear than most people no matter what polish and/or top coat I use, so don't worry if you think it's a bit too worn after only 1 day of wear :)

I also have Hyacinth Sparkle by Nubar - a lavender purple glitter from the same collection as NS. Next I'm tempted to try Fire Sparkle - a red glitter!!!

What do you think of NS? Of Nubar? Are you a glitter fan or does the clean up put you off? NB: I always try to peel off my glitters! I find that if I use a basecoat & then SV as a topcoat (especially 2 layers) it is quite easy to lift it off the nail - then you end up with only a tiny amount of glitter to remove with polish remover (like around the tip and edges of your nail) - it makes removal fun too.

Enjoy your Friday night ladies,


1 comment:

  1. That's so funny know what you mean about being burned through the window, it was hot where I am too I think I'm ready for cold weather now lol, such a beautiful blue sparkle, the only nubars I have are 2010 and a duo chrome I definitely want more like this one, it's so pretty!


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