
Tuesday 20 September 2011

Maybelline mini Coloramas Swatches & Review


 I think I'm coming down with a cold :( I've had a sore throat & been super sleepy all day, so I'll try to keep this relatively short. I'll do my best to make it sweet as well.

You might remember that I picked these up when I was in Port Douglas. They are part of the Urban Wilds collection and don't seem to be available currently, in the US or NZ (I could only find them on the Australian Maybelline website). Each swatch is 2 coats.

Urban Orange


  This is the best orange I own! A nice medium orange - not bright - with pretty gold/yellow shimmer. The shimmer shows up best in the sun but is still evident in the shade. The formula was pretty good; sort of thin in consistency built up nicely in 2 coats. It looks alright next to my skin - it would help if I was rockin' a summer tan though...

 Urban Lemon

 Urban Lemon is a fantastic sunny side up yellow creme. It has pretty much killed my lemming for China Glaze Happy Go Lucky. As a bonus it doesn't make me look jaundiced! Boo-yah. It was a wee bit on the streaky side but what yellow isn't really? You just need to practice application technique/ use a self levelling top coat like SV. It looks pretty even in the photo & I wore it all on its lonesome. Doesn't it look glossy?!

Urban Turquoise

I'm certainly a fan of Urban Turquoise. It's a turquoise blue creme. I was worried it was just like L.A. Girl Flare Tropical, but it is noticeably more yellow (tropical has a lot more blue in it) - just awesome. It dries super glossy like Urban Lemon & goes on nice and even and opaque in 2 coats- could have almost left it at one, it was so pigmented.

Maybelline did a really good job on the formulas & brushes in these minis. They are still 7.5mL, which IMO is plenty of nail polish for AUD$5.95, unless you routinely use up each bottle of polish - not me, too many to drain!!!

NZ has the Smoothies collection available, which also contains some pretty colours; a bit standard, but lovely in their own right - especially the purples.

Are you a fan of this line from Mayberline too? Hope no one else is sick!!

Til tomorrow,
xxx Michaela

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