
Friday 19 August 2011

OPI Touring America Swatches & Review

I love road trips! The snacks, the toilet stops (sometimes on the side of the road), the drinking (Undie 500 you were a beaut, nothing like travelling to Dunedin with a keg of ice breaker to keep 8 girls company!), the sun, the tunes!

The point is, this collection already had a head start with me. I bought 6 of the 12 polishes released - I tried to stay clear of the super dark colours that really just look black at the end of the day & sadly I also left out the greys. Part of me always wants more, the other part says - 'you have a few already & grey isn't really your colour' - and I might end up splurging on the more yellow toned one - Suzi takes the wheel, is it?

Anyway here are the ones I did buy! (from Sale Nail)
First shot is flash or in sunlight
Second is indoor

A-taupe The Space Needle
Isn't what I would class as a taupe, though I'm fairly sure the simply named this for the pun! It has a military camo feel to me. Like the browny/green colour they have on fatigues. It has some yellow in it so it went quite nicely with my skin tone. You know I'm a fan because it is fugly!!! I think this was only 2 coats, no problem with the formula, but in the bottle the base colour separates (like most of my Barielle polishes do) from the rest of the polish so it looks a bit unappealing. It dried to a fairly glossy finish.

Uh-Oh, Roll Down The Window
Has a fantastic name! This is the military green-esque colour most fall collections seem to have this year. It has a bit of olive in it too I think and I adore it! It's so awesome to have yellow toned greens around - the last wee while has been all about blue greens & teals, which I never shine in - still wear though! Same application and formula separation as the first. A-taupe & this look like they are related base colour wise, they complement each other really well and I think I will have to incorporate them into a mani together. I love the dusty grey factor both have.

Road House Blues
Is a beautiful dark blue - past navy - with a decent amount of purple in it. It is a creme of course like the two above. Nice application, 2 coats. Have you noticed that I've started cleaning my cuticles up when I swatch?! This is a big deal for me considering my motto is "Near enough is good enough" - shocking I know but I am deeply lazy! RHB has been likened to OPI Sapphire in the Snow excepting that SINTS has noticeably more purple in it. I had been lemming it for a long time & this has sort of sorted me out! SINTS is pretty much impossible to find anyway. I love that RHB manages to stay looking blue & never black (to the discernible eye, ie. not your boyfriend) even in low light.

Are We There Yet?
Is a wee bit pinker than the photo shows but as my camera despises corals & oranges this is the best I could get; the flash just made it crazy pink! So this is an orange/peach leaning coral shimmer. Very pretty, the shimmer is kind of gold but also appears to be coral to me. It is a fairly subtle shimmer, but noticeable in the sun. I needed 3 coats because it is thin formula with very average pigmentation :( Lots of bloggers have mentioned that they got cuticle drag if they didn't wait for ages in between coats but happily, I didn't have that problem!

I Eat Mainely Lobster
Another coral shimmer, but this one is darker & pinker. I was so annoyed at how similar this was to Misa Bop Til You Drop that I didn't even swatch it! They both even needed 3 coats. I did feel that when I compared them Misa looked a touch pinker but I couldn't be sure. The shimmer is even the same in these guys! It did look nice on me though!

Color To Diner For
A beautiful dusky red shimmer that I would describe as a ruby wine with gold shimmah! Another great colour for warm skin tones!!! Thank you OPI! It did need 3 coats but the application was easy IMO. Sorry about the weird 2nd pic - I didn't edit it "officially" so what I rotated to be horizontal ended up looking like that.

Overall, I am very happy with this collection. Yes, it would have been nice for the shimmers to be more opaque/pigmented but most of my OPIs end up being 3 coaters unless I'm on fire with my manicuring skilled so it isn't really a problem.  I really loved the cremes, the corals weren't that special at the end of the day but they are flattering and great for summer. CTDF is a great addition to my collection in that I have nothing like it!

How do you feel about this Autumn offering from OPI? Anyone not a fan?

xxx NPA

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