
Tuesday 9 August 2011

Milani 3D Holographic Hi Res

Had a shocker of a night with family drama, you know how it can be :(
But I sit down and watch the finale of the Geordie Shore (as silly as Charlotte is she is seriously a bit of a word-smith & a wee bit brighter than she appears methinks . I think she should be a comedian. She certainly brought a smile to my dial. The parsnip bit is the best!), look at my manicure and think, 'life isn't all bad is it? I mean, if I have this mad, kick ass Milani Holo on my nails, something is going good!' Yeah, what?!
Here she is, my new lil' nail celeb (new to me anyways).

Ouch, she's blindin' me!
I was wondering what the bloody hell this whole 3D thing was about. Then boom POW! When her holo gets a going the large chunks of holographic particle look like they are jumping off your nail! For what appears to be a scattered holo it gives a really great holo effect. I know it's not linear like the CG OMG's or Nubar Reclaim but it's A-MAZ-ING. I see a horizontal rainbow or like a rainbow shape the holos right across  - you can see what I mean in the last photo.

All I add is:
Boom Boom POW

Almost the most fun you can have with a polish.

This doesn't make much sense. I love it.  But in all seriousness here are the facts:

Hi Res is the lavender colourof an actual lavender flower more or less (maybe a touch bluer, whatevs)
She's pretty sheer, I did 3 coats for these photos. Then I saw it in sunlight and saw the dreaded VNL - shock, horror, had to add a 4th!!!!!!
But she dries super fast and is definitely worth it.
The photos were all taken indoors with flash but do reflect the way it really appears in sunlight/ indoor lighting.
I'm getting some of the other colours in the collection as soon as humanly possible!!!!!!!!!!!!

Promise to make more sense tomorrow
xxx NPA

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