
Saturday 13 August 2011

China Glaze Emerald Sparkle

Isn't my puppy gorgeous?! He'd been sleeping on Mum when I took this photo so he looks a bit dopey & super cute.

It's been a lazy Saturday for me - could not get to sleep last for the life of me so I had a mid-morning 'nap' and woke up in time for lunch. Of course sleeping half the day means that I feel fatigued and have a headache so I've achieved nothing yet! Just been entertaining the dogs. Charlie has started to get a bit jealous of the puppy so he's ultra needy! Lots of cuddles, geez louise he's a sissy! But I love him.

 Due to my laziness I'm just going to show you a swatch of China Glaze Emerald Sparkle. Gorgeous emerald (really a darker bluer green than true emerald) jelly base with lots of green glitter - just like Ruby Slippers. I'm in love.  Can't wait to do xmas manis with the two!

3 coats Emerald Sparkle - flash

indoors without flash

xxx NPA

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